Marković does not see the difference between the state and the party



Reacting to accusations that he uses the post of the Prime Minister for political promotion of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Duško Marković once again confirmed that a shameless abuse of state funds for political purposes is in force, and that he completely replaced the post of the Prime Minister with the role of a hardworking party soldier.

For weeks, the entire Montenegrin public has been witnessing the so-called working visits of the Prime Minister and his ministers, during which the policy of the ruling party is openly promoted, and DPS is given the credit for what was done with the money of all taxpayers.

In his party campaign, especially in the north of Montenegro, as the Prime Minister, Marković does not visit factories that have been shut down and citizens who have lost their jobs precisely because of the policy pursued by his government, or as he likes to say in the campaign – “responsible DPS policy“. This is obviously not “an integral part of the Government’s daily care for the citizens of Montenegro.”

There are many examples confirming that Marković and his party colleagues are running a political campaign using the state resources, including the Prime Minister’s intention to help the Municipality of Budva from the state budget in order to secure a better position for his party colleagues from that municipality during the election campaign.

OSCE Monitoring Mission has already stated on several occasions that the ruling party and its candidates for public office in the pre-election period are gaining the so-called institutional advantage, which implies the abuse of state resources in order to gain political advantage on the field.

This year’s DPS campaign confirms not only that nothing has changed compared to the previous elections, but that DPS continues to actively advertise itself at the expense of all citizens before each election.

The behaviour of the Prime Minister Marković during the election campaign shows that he has erased the border between the state and the party a long time ago, and that the budget of Montenegro continues to be used as a personal cash machine of DPS.



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