Legal aid for submitting requests for access to information in Montenegro  



A new, improved version of the ASK THE INSTITUTIONS app is available!

By using this app, you can submit requests for information to any institution in Montenegro, and MANS will conduct all prescribed legal procedures to provide you with access to data.

Only you will receive responses to your request, while other users cannot see the requests you submitted.

The Law on Free Access to Information stipulates that you can request information from:

▪️ state authorities (legislative, executive, judicial, administrative),

▪️ local self-government authorities and local administration authorities,

▪️ institutions, companies and any other legal persons founded or co-founded by the state or in majority ownership of the state or local self-government,

▪️ legal person mainly financed from public resources,

▪️ as well as well as a natural person, entrepreneur or legal person having public responsibilities or managing public funds.

Tap the following link to download the app – ASK THE INSTITUTIONS

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