Inappropriate statements made by Abazović are not part of European values  



Photo: Boris Pejovic

Yesterday’s statement made by the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazović, that in addition to politicians, mafia and criminals, non-governmental organizations are also among those who stand in the way of Montenegro’s European path, is part of the public discourse of top officials for which we believed that no longer belonged on the public scene after thirty years of DPS’ rule.

Targeting NGOs as a “disturbing factor of democracy” is something that marked a good part of the rule of Milo Đukanović and his party, and this type of label was the only response to public criticism of corruption and organized crime.

While Mr. Đukanović did not wish to understand the role of NGOs out of personal and party interests, their role is very well known to Dritan Abazović, as well as the contribution that the civil sector has made so far in the EU integration process.

However, the changes personified by Abazović brought about the fact that, for the first time in the last thirty years, the top of the government identifies NGOs with the mafia and criminals who are actively working on state capture of Montenegro.

Such a narrative is absolutely unacceptable and cannot be part of the process of Europeanization of society, which has lately been a constant topic of the politicians.

We are fully aware that the stagnation of Montenegro on its European path is obvious, but we sincerely advise Mr. Abazović to also seek part of the responsibility for such a situation before the mirror, instead of trying to side the NGOs with the mafia and criminal clans.

The fight against corruption and organized crime, as a key precondition for the continuation of EU integration, is something that requires a huge sacrifice of the most responsible persons in the state, but in no scenario can it be replaced by obfuscating the issue, targeting and cheap political marketing.



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