Investments in hospitals and schools deleted by the budget rebalance



According to the Budget Rebalance, the Government abandoned the construction and reconstruction of 14 health care facilities, 11 schools and two kindergartens, as well as numerous roads, especially in the north of Montenegro. At the same time, they increased the planned expenses of certain projects multiple times without any explanation.

The Budget Rebalance has drastically reduced expenses for the construction and reconstruction of several planned construction facilities in the field of health care. Funds for the construction of the general hospital in Pljevlja are reduced from 1.2 million to less than 250 thousand euros, and instead of 900 thousand euros for the reconstruction of the hospital in Bijelo Polje, the budget rebalance allocates only one thousand euros for the “building of construction facilities”. The construction of the building of the Emergency block with diagnostics, neurology department, internal and palliative care in Nikšić, for which the planned budget was nearly 300 thousand euros, was abandoned, and the budget rebalance allocated only one thousand euros for the construction. The reconstruction of the building for neurology and the infectious disease department of the Hospital in Berane will not be done either, because only one thousand euros was allocated for those purposes instead of nearly 300 thousand, as foreseen in the original budget. The construction of the PET/CT Centre with a haematology clinic, for which nearly 330 thousand euros was planned, was also abandoned, and only one thousand was allocated by the budget rebalance. The government also abandoned the reconstruction of the building of the old hospital “Danilo I” in Cetinje, for which 180 thousand euros was initially allocated, and now only one thousand. There will not even be a health care centre in the settlement City kvart, for whose construction nearly 140,000 euros was supposed to be allocated, and now only one thousand euros. Funds for the Radiology Department of the Plav Health Care Centre have been reduced several times, from 235,000 to 40,000 euros. Instead of more than 80,000 euros which was allocated for the adaptation and equipment of the operating room in the maternity ward in Ulcinj, only one thousand euros remained in the budget. The budget rebalance allocated only one thousand euros for the construction of the Emergency Block and the reconstruction of part of the building of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro in Podgorica. While the current budget allocated over 120,000 euros for the adaptation of the department of selected primary care physician for adults and physiatry of the Health Care Centre Budva, there is not even a dime left for this in the budget.

Funds for the construction of kindergartens in Golubovci and Grbalj are being reduced multiple times to amounts of less than 10 thousand euros. The construction and reconstruction of sports halls in 11 schools is also abandoned, of which two are in Bijelo Polje (Elementary School “Pavle Žižić”, Vocational Secondary School), three in Berane (ES “Polica”, ES “Radomir Mitrović”, ES “Radomir Mitrović”), one in Gusinje (ES “Džafer Nikočević”), two in Andrijevica (ES “Bajo Jojić ” and Combined Secondary School), in Kotor (ES “Ivo Visin”), as well as two primary schools in Golubovci (the names of the schools are not listed in the budget rebalance). The remaining funds for the construction and reconstruction of sports halls in those schools in the budget rebalance are less than 10 thousand euros.

The expenses of construction and reconstruction of many roads have been drastically reduced, some of which are completely abandoned, judging by the very small funds provided by the budget rebalance. The construction of the Srđevac-Lozna road was abandoned because instead of 800,000, which is currently foreseen by the budget, only 1,000 euros is left in the budget rebalance. There will also be no construction of a part of a bypass road in Pljevlja from the intersection near “Balkan” to the intersection near the “Roads Section” because the budget for that project was reduced from 410 thousand to one thousand euros. The reconstruction of the Kolašin-Mojkovac road has ‘melted’, thus, instead of the planned 800 thousand euros, only 50 thousand remain in the budget rebalance for those purposes. Instead of 765 thousand euros for the rehabilitation of the critical point Sokolovina on the regional road Đurđevića Tara-Mojkovac, 15 thousand euros has been allocated by the budget rebalance. The reconstruction of the road Plav – Vojno selo – Gusinje was abandoned because the funds for that purpose were reduced from nearly 300 thousand euros to one thousand. The situation is the same with the reconstruction of the road Gusinje – Vusanje, where instead of 200 thousand, around thousand euros was allocated by the budget rebalance. Funds for the reconstruction of the Tuzi – Mataguži road were reduced from 1.3 million to 300 thousand euros, i.e. by nearly 80%.

On the other hand, the expenses for over 50 projects foreseen in the budget have increased multiple times, and the total increase amounts to over 30 million euros, for which there is no explanation in the budget rebalance. For example, the reconstruction of the road Cetinje – Čevo – Nikšić, section Cetinje – Čevo is supposed to cost four million euros more than envisioned by the current budget. In addition, the reconstruction of the main road M-8 Danilovgrad – Podgorica is supposed to cost 2.85 million euros more, the construction of a garage for the needs of the ski resort in Kolašin as much as two million more, the construction of the complex of facilities of the Special Police Sector in Zlatica, Podgorica, one million euros more. None of these increases are explained in the budget rebalance.





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