1.6 million euros paid for temporary employment contracts before the elections, expenses for official trips increased



From the beginning of August, when local elections were called, until mid-September, around 1.6 million euros was spent on expenses based on the payment of temporary employment contracts, which is 300 thousand euros more than in the same period of the previous year.

Citizens can find detailed data on spending during the election period at the link https://cistakampanja.me/ potrosnja-drzavnih- institucija/      

It was during the election period that some institutions significantly increased their expenses on this basis compared to the first part of this year as well. For example, during the first half of September, the Revenue and Customs Administration paid out nearly 140,000 euros for expenses based on the payment of temporary employment contracts. This represents a significant increase in spending compared to the period before the calling of the elections, when around 60,000 euros per month was spent for these purposes. In addition, the average monthly expenses based on the payment of the temporary employment contracts during the last year amounted to less than 40 thousand euros.    

In August, the Bureau for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions paid out nearly 80,000 euros for temporary employment contracts, although their average monthly costs for these purposes amounted to around 50,000 euros.

In August, the Ministry of the Interior paid out over 100,000 euros for temporary employment contracts, and before the elections, they spent 70,000 euros per month on average.

In the first half of September, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid out nearly 130,000 euros for temporary employment contracts and nearly 140,000 in August. Their average monthly spending for these purposes before the calling of the elections was around 126 thousand euros.

In the election period, the costs of official trips also increased, which for month and a half, from calling of the elections until mid-September, amounted to 775 thousand euros.

The Ministry of the Interior spent nearly 190 thousand euros for official trips in August this year, of which 150 thousand was paid for official trips within the country, which is almost three times more than the monthly average in the period before the elections.

In the first half of September, the Cabinet of the Prime Minister spent around 50,000 on official trips, i.e. more than five times more than it spent in the months before the elections.

At the MANS’ specialized portal cistakampanja.me, citizens can find data on the spending of state institutions in the election period. Spending for categories that were the subject of electoral abuses in the previous period, such as employment, one-off social welfare, benefits and subsidies, travel expenses and infrastructure construction, is specially singled out.



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